Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I just came back from college today. It was really a tiring day, well having to study for like, the whole day? But, I did come back for a break, and that 'break' was actually too long.

Then I suddenly have the urge to read 'someone's ' blog. I clicked.

Well then, I realized. It's been quite some time since I really focus on God. Why?
I was quite inspired by what she wrote. I was so busy nowadays that I almost forgot that God is always there. I really loved hanging out with my housemates and friends recently. Went out for supper and talked. I really do appreciate those. Really. I love all of them, and I forgot about God. How could I?

I really do want to try to get back to Him.

I was quite worried about what I should do recently. Bothered over some problems of education, but now i realized, I should not worry. For God said, why worry now? let tomorrow have it's own worries. I should believe. Like how God had guided me to this house here, giving me all these awesome human beings whom I can share my thoughts with. It was definitely a perfect plan. I believe He has greater plans for me. I know He has. I know deep in my heart......

Finals is just a few days away.... awwww. stressed! But those people that God gave just takes my stress away at the end of the day.....=]

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